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The compact Ex certified DynamiQ-X analyzer can contain up to 4 GC units (column ovens with GC control).
For simple and easy maintenance, each instrument is equipped with an easily replaceable cartridge, containing 1 to 4 GC units with the analytical parts. There are no tubes or capillaries in the instrument which enhances the robustness.
Precise and rapid quantification of hydrocarbons, permanent gases, light aromatics, and sulfur compounds for a diverse array of applications including natural gas, biogas, mudlogging, flare/flue gas, industrial process gas, impurity detection in hydrogen and carbon dioxide stream.
DynamiQ-X autonomously communicates generated data to the outside world. Additionally, there are 2 versions of user-friendly PC software. The DynamiQ Explorer provides users with full control, while the DynamiQ Process simplifies field operations and enhances security.
Download our DynamiQ-X brochure for a deeper understanding.
Download our DynamiQ-X brochure for a deeper understanding.
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